Title: A small detail: cursed dagger Post by: Kepuli on September 07, 2005, 10:16:07 PM I've seen similar things in other RPGs, but not yet in NWN.
The player notices a magical pool. When it's used, a conversation begins. It tells the player that there's a dagger on the bottom of the pool, and it looks beautiful, well crafted and powerful (=tempting). There are two options in the conversation: take it or leave it alone. If the player gets greed and takes it, the dagger will be equipped instantly, and the cursed dagger stucks into the adventurer's hand! (possibly add a will saving throw?) The dagger cannot be unequipped until someone casts a remove curse spell on the character. The item itself should be harmful to have, but also tempting to use. It could give the player decreased ability scores and/or saving throws, but the weapon would still possess usable powers (enemy gets cursed on hit, for example). Therefore some players would consider using the item at least for a while, instead of running to a cleric and ask for help. A cursed item knows how to manipulate its victims... After a remove curse spell is casted, the dagger will be destroyed, or if you want, it would get unequipped, but re-equipping it would make it stuck again. Title: A small detail: cursed dagger Post by: perk31 on September 08, 2005, 08:43:49 AM I like it. I'll see if I can make a weapon that can not be unequipped.
Title: A small detail: cursed dagger Post by: Podilarius on September 08, 2005, 09:01:03 AM I like it as well ... it sounds really good ... let me know if you need any help ...
Title: A small detail: cursed dagger Post by: perk31 on September 12, 2005, 02:35:04 PM Cursed items can not be dropped from your inventory but they can be unequipped. Not sure how to work around that. I guess we would use some tag based scripting so that every time it was unequipped it would requip iteself. The problem would be how do we get rid of it once the curse is lifted.
Title: A small detail: cursed dagger Post by: Podilarius on September 12, 2005, 03:52:37 PM i like for it to be unquiped when the curse is removed ... so that if you want you can use the weapon again, taking the penalty ... the uncurse allows you to unequip it ... it might have to be a user defined script that forces an unquip once the curse is lifted ...
Title: A small detail: cursed dagger Post by: perk31 on September 13, 2005, 07:15:37 AM Quote from: "Podilarius" i like for it to be unquiped when the curse is removed ... so that if you want you can use the weapon again, taking the penalty ... the uncurse allows you to unequip it ... it might have to be a user defined script that forces an unquip once the curse is lifted ... Upon lifting the curse, is the blade then useable without the negative penalties and if so does it keep its positive attributes? Title: A small detail: cursed dagger Post by: Podilarius on September 13, 2005, 10:32:38 AM Quote from: "perk31" Quote from: "Podilarius" i like for it to be unquiped when the curse is removed ... so that if you want you can use the weapon again, taking the penalty ... the uncurse allows you to unequip it ... it might have to be a user defined script that forces an unquip once the curse is lifted ... Upon lifting the curse, is the blade then useable without the negative penalties and if so does it keep its positive attributes? no when the weapon is uncursed ... it will be unwielded and when they equip it again ... the negative effect will be applied ... Title: A small detail: cursed dagger Post by: perk31 on September 13, 2005, 05:07:49 PM Except the standard uncurse doesn't function that way since cursed items can be unequiped at will they simply can't be dropped. I believe the std uncurse will remove the cursed flag the item allowing it to be dropped.
So we are talking about a complete custom code job to make it work. Title: Re: A small detail: cursed dagger Post by: Podilarius on January 09, 2007, 08:16:16 AM Man ... I was not in my right mind. If uncursed, destroy the item. Make them work to get it again if they really want it again. There has to be a check every so often that we can do so that if unequipped at the next check it is equipped. anyway, old topic but still valid if anyone is going to build anymore.
Title: Re: A small detail: cursed dagger Post by: perk31 on January 09, 2007, 09:49:24 AM You could simply add it to the unequip script of the weapon so everytime they removed the weapon it would reequip. I'm not a D&D player but I think cursed items are always cursed and having uncurse cast only allows the removal of the item from your hand.
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